Coby Electronics introduced a USB receiver designed to let consumers tune in over the air to ATSC-M/H TV broadcasts from remote locations.
The DTV111 TV-to-Go USB receiver is compatible with Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit) and Vista XP programs. Minimum computer requirements are an Intel Atom N270 (1GHz) processor, 1GB RAM, and a DVD/CD-ROM drive with mini CD support.
Features of the DTV111 include the ability to pause, resume and rewind live TV functions with DVR time-shifting, as well as the ability to fast-forward through recorded shows. It comes with a compact antenna, auxiliary external antenna and an installation mini-CD.
The device can receive only stations that broadcast MDTV signals and not non-MDTV or analog low-power TV signals.
No subscription fees are required to access the signal, making it easy for people to tune in and enjoy their favorite local shows any time they want from almost anywhere.
Sobre esta empresa:
Coby develops, manufactures and distributes the latest CE products including Portable and Home Theater DVD Players; Portable MP3+Video and CD/MP3 players; LCD TVs; Digital Photos Frames; iPod Docking Stations; HD, AM/FM and Clock Radios; Headphones; Bluetooth and other accessories
Informações sobre a empresa:
nome da empresa:
Coby Electronics Corporation
1991 Marcus Avenue - 3rd Floor
Lake Success
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